The Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans

The Dominican Secular Institute of Orleans is a community of women living the evangelical counsels in the midst of the world. We live in our secular environments and pursue our vocation in daily life. In accordance with the teaching of St Dominic, we strive to proclaim Christ "to everyone, always and in every way, and when it is no longer possible otherwise, even in words". We want our lives to be a clear sign of God's presence in the world to others, but without revealing that we have fully consecrated our lives to God through the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

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News from France

"Let us live ever more deeply peace and brotherhood together with the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit"

Reflection on brotherhood between people, especially in the community (and groups) of the Institute, was an important topic of the meeting of the representatives of the Province of France at the turn of April and May 2024 in the retreat house at the Benedictine monastery in Étiolles (approx. 40 km south of Paris). Representatives of all groups in this Province came, unfortunately with the exception of Haiti, where there is a civil war going on and people cannot leave. People from France, Congo, Vietnam, Ivory Coast and the General Moderator from Poland met. The five-day Our Father retreat was led by Father Philippe Jeannin, OP. Deep and informative conferences prompted many questions, reflections and independent thinking, so they often ended with a free exchange of ideas. Right at the beginning, Father Philippe asked the question: “How to live the message of the Our Father prayer? How can we make this prayer a program of life?” No wonder the conferences evoked a lively response from the audience.

On Friday, May 3, the elections for the Provincial Moderator and her Council were held. Annick Masson was elected Provincial, and three Provincial Councilors were elected: Thérèse Nguyen (France), Florine Salaï (France - La Réunion Island) and Béatrice Dah (Ivory Coast).

The week spent together was a great opportunity to renew bonds and meet new people. There was no end to the conversations, discussions and questions. There was time to share the realities of life of each group, news about specific people, current problems, but also to remember old times. There was time for jokes and laughter, for walks, for celebrating Annick's birthday.

On Friday, apart from the elections, an important and symbolic event was the admission of a new person to the Institute for the period of first contacts. She is an African living permanently in France, who has already become known as a regular participant in the meetings of the Paris group.

During this week we managed not only to share our reflections on brotherhood, but to truly experience it. Thanks be to God!